
Refund Guarantee

If the event is unable to go ahead for any reason, we will endeavour to reschedule to a new date. Ticket holders will be able to choose whether to move their tickets to a new date, or receive a refund from their point of purchase, whichever suits you better!


Taking place in the beautiful open surroundings of Cannon Hall Farm, 5 on the Farm Festival will all take place outdoors. Around the festival site you’ll find plenty of cover, so no need to worry if the Yorkshire weather decides to rain or shine!


5 on the Farm Festival is a relaxed and spacious boutique festival. The grounds the festival is held on could safely fit over 60,000 people, but we’ve capped our audience size at 10,000 to allow for plenty of space for everyone to move around

Timed Entry Slots

On purchasing tickets you are able to choose an hour long entry time slot. This allows a nice relaxed entry

Good to Go

We are managing Covid-19 to approved industry standards as recognised by Good to Go

Cleaning Standards

Professional cleaning teams will be on site throughout the event to ensure cleaning standards across the festival are of the highest standards

Local & Independent

Covid-19 has had a devastating effect on the event, hospitality and tourism sectors. We are proud to host the first ever 5 on the Farm Festival in Yorkshire, and are actively working with local and independent companies and support their recovery


If you have any questions or concerns, we’re always on hand to chat! Just drop us an email at [email protected]